I have a lot of lessons to learn about how to deal with change--specifically, getting older. I always feel so young that it shocks me to see a mature woman with larger curves in the mirror. I have wrinkles and achy joints and yet I still feel young. My concept of beauty has matured and adjusted but acceptance of my own aging process, the loss of certain abilities, the need to adapt, has not caught up.
Zoe recently hurt herself while playing too vigorously. She could not walk up or down stairs, jump or run for days and we had to carry her, and I did not handle it well at all. It shed a harsh, bright light onto the issue and made me realize that I need to graciously accept her aging process as much as my own.
Being mentally/emotionally nimble, flexible, taking a tumble and using it to propel us forward are often big tasks that can seem insurmountable. I have, in the past, been frozen with fear, afraid to take the next step because "what if it's the wrong path? What if I become unhappy?" All we can do is put more faith in ourselves and our ability to make sound decisions and move forward.
Jeff was laid off yesterday. At first I was shocked and initial feelings of worry and slight panic ensued. How would we support ourselves on one income? We have only a tiny bit of savings between us so far and I don't earn a whole lot. And then, once I realized that we have plenty of options, I saw this as a great opportunity. Usually I am so scared of change, and now here it is, and I feel completely calm and even a bit happy.
So maybe these are the first primers for how to live a more fulfilling, successful life. Learn acceptance. Patience. Have faith. Focus on positive. Be more open. Don't be afraid. Keep moving forward. These are important life lessons that the Universe has served to me and I am eager to learn from them.
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